Valentino Danchev

Dead batteries seem to always happen at the worst possible time. In today’s society, people are heavily dependent on their digital devices to get around. Mobile phones, for example, are used to browse potential purchases, pay for products and services, communicate with people and do work. Being without one’s phone for a day can feel like losing an arm for some, and a dead battery usually spells trouble for many.

There are over 6.6 billion mobile phone users across the globe, which accounts for roughly 80% of the worldwide population. This number is still expected to grow over the next few years, given the rate at which technology has penetrated nearly every industry. Additionally, even though we are already heavily reliant on our digital devices, they will be even more integrated into society with the development of new applications and tools.

When it comes to mobile devices, manufacturers are doing their best to ensure that the battery life lasts as long as possible. However, at best, mobile phone batteries can only last up to 48 hours fully charged. That is why the development of articles of clothing that promote energy efficiency could drastically impact the way fashion is viewed and produced.

Solar panels sewn into clothes and worn as part of everyday outfits could be a game changer. This innovation, which has been making headlines recently, can allow for the prevention of those tricky scenarios in which people run out of power for their devices—and it can also make fashion more functional.


Solar Energy In Fashion

Solar power has long been touted as an effective energy alternative, and it may soon take over as the dominant energy source. After all, it can be harvested easily by simply walking underneath the sun. Incorporating technology for energy into fashion may seem like a radical concept to some, but it can make fashion much more sustainable in the long run.

Textiles are incredibly flexible and versatile, and they can be fitted with fibers with the ability to absorb, harvest and process solar energy. When worn underneath the hot sun, the clothes will, ideally, gather enough energy to transmit to digital devices.

This innovation can allow people to charge their phones, tablets, smartwatches and similar devices simply by putting them in their pockets. This can also address the demand for more energy-efficient fashion.

While researchers and fashion designers have already toyed with the concept and are coming up with prototypes, we are yet to see such clothes readily available on the market.

The Convenience Of Energy-Efficient Fashion

Imagine walking down the street in your favorite outfit, knowing it is collecting energy from the sun. Imagine being able to use that energy to power your phone, giving you peace of mind and comfort from having your devices fully charged.

Fashion has long been pushing the envelope. Incorporating modern-day energy-saving technologies into clothes has the potential to transform the fashion industry.

Because so many of us are always on the go, it would make sense for us to use products and services that can make our busy lifestyles more convenient. Wearing clothes that allow you to power up your devices while running errands, doing work and going about your day-to-day tasks will certainly make things easier—and can help prevent any precarious situations where you run out of battery life.

The next step for fashion will be energy-saving clothes that are both visually pleasing and functional. This is an innovation I’m excited to discuss and cover at further length in my new book